Not gonna lie, this post is gonna be a little personal but I am hoping that sharing my feelings and my tips can encourage each and every one of you reading this that there is a difference between good stress and bad stress and exactly what you can do to prevent getting worked up. Stress, what exactly is it? Stress can be described as the race of your heart when you have a workload the same height as you, the pit in your stomach that you can't handle yourself, and the constant pain of knots that build up within your muscles causing aches and pain throughout your body; or at least these are the three ways I would describe stress. Just about every day I experience sometime of stress related symptoms that I described above. Now, before you say anything, if you experience this constant amount of stress this is what bad stress is and what it does to oneself. Like I mentioned earlier there is a level of good stress for instance being nervous about a quiz or a project. As long as stress is minimum and controlled then you are good; but if you get stressed out over little things or well.. everything then we need to talk because believe it or not I was in this position. I would let my mind wonder with all the possibilities of failure and discouragement that I myself practically set myself up for failure. This constant level of stress is neither good or healthy for one's body. If you are at the level of stress where you feel sick then please reach out to your parents, a friend, or even me because talking out your emotions is one of the best remedies possible. The three tips that worked best for me when I was dealing with my stress was: to walk away, to be creative, and to talk through how I was feeling. For me, when I had a rather large load of homework and knew that I was going to become stressed about getting it all done, I would split my workload into sections. I would complete the assignments from one section and then, not figuratively, I would walk out of my room and go downstairs and eating grab a snack or talk to the family. I allowed myself to get a break from the stress and the homework that caused it. It is not enough to just get on your phone, you physically need to separate yourself from the stress and basically take it in strides. My second tip, being creative, can really be whatever you want it to be; for me a hobby of mine is diy-ing or just being crafty. I enjoy painting, scrapbooking, and surprisingly cleaning. Take a break from time to time in your day to do something that you enjoy doing; this will help with maintaining a healthy stress level. Wether its sports, reading, or shopping, I encourage everyone to take some time in their day and spend it on whatever you want to do. Talking through how you feel is arguably the most important of my three tips. Sometimes keeping in all of that pent up stress can do more damage than expected. Find that one person that you can really confide in and just let it all out; express what you are worried about and what you feel like. Get it all out o your system and let someone carry some of your burdens along side you. We are all here to help one another in the end, so why not let someone help you out from time to time. So ultimately know that is you are stressed, we've all got your back and we all want what is best for you, which is really to not be stressed at all. But anyways, I hope that these three tips come in handy one day and as I mentioned before feel free to reach out to me if you ever need to talk or need a hug. I love you all, xoxoxo